
This is a medical procedure to outline various parts of the face such as the eyes and nose.
We create the perfect line by using various techniques to fix a protruding or recessing chin.

Forehead Contouring

This is a medical procedure for flat or concave foreheads. An overly sunken forehead can make a person look older than their actual age. By grafting artificial bone or regenerated bone we contour the forehead in a healthy and beautiful way.

Chin Contouring

This procedure will fix a chin that protrudes too much or is too recessed. The line of the chin has a big impact on the attractiveness of the profile. We create the perfect line by adding artificial bones or a prosthesis to increase chin size or by shaving down the chin if it protrudes too much.

Lower Jaw Contouring

This is a medical procedure for the lower jaw, or mandible. If the lower jaw is too prominent, it expands the outline of the face making it look large. This is caused either by the muscle or the bone. We pinpoint the cause and conduct the necessary treatment.

Cheekbone Contouring

This procedure will shave down prominent cheekbones. A prominent jaw gives the face a masculine look while sunken cheeks can make a person look older than their actual age. We use a special tool to shave down the cheekbones from a discreet location such as from inside the mouth to create the perfect balance.