Price List

Cosmetic Surgery


Double eyelidBuried suture method: One eye
Both eyes
Incision method
Partial incision method
Removal of buried thread (per thread)
Correction of the double eyelid (incision) ¥367,500
Upper eyelid (lower eyelid), formation of fat ¥210,000
Wrinkles and sagging of the eyelid ¥367,500
Orbital conjunctiva fat removal ¥315,000
Upper eyelid lift (incision under/above eyebrow) ¥367,500
Lower eyelid opening techniques (almond formation) ¥420,000
PRFM injection around the eyes ¥157,500
b-FGF injection around the eyes ¥157,500
Fat injection around the eyes (condensed fat) ¥315,000
Formation of sagging eyelid techniques ¥420,000
Sagging eyelid surgery (in case of equipment malfunction) Covered by health insurance
Incision of the inner corner of the eye ¥210,000
Sculpting of the outer corner of the eye ¥210,000


augnentation rhinoplastyImplants
Cartilage transplant
medial-lateral osteotomy ¥367,500
Nasal tip contouring ¥210,000
Adjusting nostrils shape (ala reduction) ¥210,000
deviated nose (crooked nose correction) ¥525,000
Hooked nose shaping ¥420,000
Treatment of a deviated septum ¥262,500
colummela plasty ¥262,500
depressed nose ¥525,000


Cheek sagging ¥840,000
Forehead lift (forehead・eyebrow lift) ¥630,000
Temporal lift (temple lift) ¥525,000
Neck lift ¥630,000
MACS lift ¥735,000
Thread liftSilhouette sutures (cheek)
Silhouette sutures (neck)
Silhouette sutures (forehead・eyebrow)




Breast augmentation¥735,000~
Breast augmentation by fat/fat stem cells injection¥1,200,000~
Breast reduction¥1,050,000
Breast-lift (drooping breast sculpting)¥945,000
Inverted nipple sculpting¥157,500
Nipple reductionく¥210,000
Areola reduction¥210,000
Breast reconstruction¥735,000~


Forehead sculptingArtificial bone grafts
Reconstructive bone
Chin contouringOsteotomy
Lower jaw contouringSurgery
Cheekbone contouring ¥735,000〜¥1,260,000


Bracchial region
Lower legs
Accusculpt1 region¥157,500〜
Double belly・tummy tuck ¥1,050,000
Fat injection・transplant ¥157,500
Fat・Fat stem cells injection ¥262,500


Osmidrosis (body odor)Surgical excision method
Ultrasound method
Excision method
Covered by health insurance
Laser diameter: less than 2mm
Diameter: 2-4mm
Diameter: more than 4mm
Scars/burns after surgeryFace (1cm)
Others (1cm)
Cleft lip correction ¥300,000
Lips thickness modificationSurgery
Hyaluronic acid (0.1cc)
Human collagen (0.1cc)
Gummy smileSurgery
Protruding Navel (Umbilical Hernia) ¥262,500
EarEar shaping
Earlobes surgery
Nails shaping (curved nails, ingrown nails, etc.)
Treatment by wire
Covered by health insurance
Genitals surgeryPhimosis
Formation of the labia minora
Formation of the vagina

Cosmetic Dermatology

Beautiful Skin・Skin Care

BotoxEyebrow wrinkles
Wrinkles around the eyes
Masseteric hypertrophy
Obagi Nuderm SystemFull set¥126,000
Hyaluronic acid・collagen injectionHyaluronic acid (0.1cc)
Human nurtured collagen (0.1cc)
Peeling (vitamin used in conjunction)Glycolic acid
Salicylic acid
Salt peeling
Vitamin alginate pack ¥4,200
Alginate cool vitamin pack ¥6,300
Ultrasonic waves whitening pack ¥8,400
SOLARIFace 1 time
3 times
5 times
Photo RF (Aurora)Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
Photo RF Pro (Aurora PRO)Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
Plasma (low/medium power output)Cheek (one side)
Around the eyes
Whole face
Plasma (high power output)Cheek (one side)
Around the eyes
Whole face
eco2 fractional CO2 laserCheek (one side)
Around the eyes
Whole face
Endy Med ProCheek (one side)
Around the eyes
Whole face 1 time
3 times
5 times
Neck  1 time
5 times
Breast 1 time
5 times
Hip 1 time
5 times
AffirmCheek (one side)
Around the eyes
Whole face 1 time
3 times
5 times
Polaris or RefirmFace 1 time
3 times
5 times
Accusculpt1 part¥126,000
Combination (Polaris + Photo RF)Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
Combination (Affirm + PhotoRF)Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
Combination (Endy Med + Photo RF)Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
Combination (eco2 + Photo RF)Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
(Affirm + Polaris + PhotoォトRF)
Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
(Affirm+Refirm + Photo RF)
Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
(Affirm + Endy Med + Photo RF)
Face 1 time
3 times
5 times
Q-YAGSmear, bruise (1cm×1cm)
Liver spots laser toning (Q-YAG)Both cheeks 1 time
5 times
10 times
CO2 laserMole Diameter: less than 2mm
Diameter: 2-3mm
Diameter: more than 4mm
Wart Diameter: less than 2mm
Diameter: 2-4mm
Diameter: more than 4mm

Acne Treatment

Iontophoresis ¥5,250
Vitamin beautiful skin pack ¥3,150
Comedones suction treatment ¥3,150
Acne pus remover laser 1 ¥525円
Various external medicines ¥315~
Tretinoin gel (3g)0.025~0.04%
Whitening cream (1g)HQ cream 5%
HQ crean 7%
iClear(acne phototherapy)1 time
Morion used in conjunection 1 time
8 times course
eMAX acne1 shot¥1,050

Hair removal

Face (women)
※Depends on the hair removal equipment capabilities
Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
Glabella Shaving price \525
Nose・alar (exlucing nostrils)
※Depends on the hair removal equipment capabilities
Shaving price \2,1001 time \5,250
6 times course \21,000
Mouth surroundings (women)
※1cm breadth from the lips
Shaving price \5251 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000
Neck (front part)Shaving price \1,0501 time \21,000
6 times course \81,000
ArmpitShaving price \2,1001 time \5,250
6 times course \21,000
Forearm (half) Shaving price \2,100
Forearm (whole)Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
ElbowShaving price \5251 time \3,150
6 times course \10,500
Upper arm (half) Shaving price \2,100
Upper arm (whole)Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
Upper arm 1/4 Shaving price \2,100
Back of the handShaving price \5251 time \5,250
6 times course \21,000
Back of the handShaving price \5251 time \3,150
6 times course \12,600
Breast (exclugin areola)Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
Abdomen (8cm under the ribs~under the navel)Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
Around the navel (6cm diameter)
※Depending on the reach of the hair removal equipment
Shaving price \2,1001 time \5,250
6 times course \21,000
V line
(from the shorts to the protruding area)
Shaving price \2,1001 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000
V nacca (front area inside the shorts) Shaving price \2,100
I line
※Depending on the reach of the hair removal equipment
Shaving price \2,1001 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000
O line
※Depending on the reach of the hair removal equipment
Shaving price \2,1001 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000
VIO 1 time \31,500
6 times course \126,000
Thigh (half)Shaving price \2,1001 time \31,500
6 times course \126,000
Thigh (whole)Shaving price \2,1001 time \52,500
6 times course \210,000
Knee (only kneecap)Shaving price \5251 time \5,250
6 times course \21,000
Area below the knee (half)Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
Area below the knee (whole)Shaving price \2,1001 time \31,500
6 times course \126,000
InstepShaving price \5251 time \5,250
6 times course \21,000
InstepShaving price \5251 time \3,150
6 times course \12,600
NapeShaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
Upper part of the back (under the neck~shoulder-blade)Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
Lower part of the back
(under the shoulder-blade~waistline)
Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
Lumbar region (waistline~upper hip) Shaving price \2,100
Hip (excluding the O line)Shaving price \2,1001 time \21,000
6 times course \84,000
One shot (1cm×4cm) \525
Men hair removal upper lip 1 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000
Men hair removal lower lip 1 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000
Men hair removal chin
※under the lips~chin, marionette line
 1 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000
Men hair removal under the chin 1 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000
Men hair removal cheek 1 time \10,500
6 times course \42,000

Regenerative Medicine

Growth factor injection

PRFM1 kit
2 kits
3 kits

Hair Regenerative Medicine

HSC 1 vial \315,000
HSC 2 vials \630,000

Reconstructive bone

Grafts to forehead \1,050,000~1,575,000
Grafts to temples (of the forehead) \840,000~1,260,000
Grafts to cheeks \840,000~1,260,000
Grafts to chin \735,000~1,575,000

Fat & stem cells injection

Fat stem cells injectionup to 20cc