Hump Shaping
A hump is a protrusion that is noticeable when the nose is viewed from the side. It is caused by a bulge where the nasal bones and the cartilage meet. In this procedure, the hump is removed and the bridge of the nose straightened.
A nose with a hump is usually called a hooked or Roman nose, and it tends to create a masculine impression. It greatly affects the profile, so please feel free to talk to us if you are concerned about it.
A nose with a hump is usually called a hooked or Roman nose, and it tends to create a masculine impression. It greatly affects the profile, so please feel free to talk to us if you are concerned about it.
Duration of Surgery | 1-2 hours |
Period of swelling following surgery | 1-2 weeks |
Recovery period | ~2 weeks |
Hospital visits following surgery | Re-examination 4 days, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgery |
Cost | ¥420,000 |
Hump shaping - Surgery details
【Rasping of the hump + osteotomy】
In this procedure, the area of the hump is reshaped by removing excess cartilage and bone from the nose. (1)
The area of direct excision is marked on the cartilage and the top of the bone, following the preoperative plan of the excision site. (2)
The scalpel is first inserted horizontally where the bone and the cartilage meet. The width of this incision is slightly smaller than the planned width of excision area. (3)
In this procedure, the area of the hump is reshaped by removing excess cartilage and bone from the nose. (1)
The area of direct excision is marked on the cartilage and the top of the bone, following the preoperative plan of the excision site. (2)
The scalpel is first inserted horizontally where the bone and the cartilage meet. The width of this incision is slightly smaller than the planned width of excision area. (3)

1: Working towards the tip of the nose, the protruding portion of the dorsal cartilage is precisely excised along the marking.

2: Next, using an instrument called an osteotome, the hump on the nasal bones is excised.

3: After the osteotomy has been completed, the excised cartilage and nasal bone are removed together.
【Osteotomy of the nasal bones】
Nasal osteotomies were originally devised as a way to close the "open roof" remaining after the removal of a hump. However, nowadays they are also performed for a wide variety of other purposes such as the ones listed below.
1: To close an "open roof" after the removal of the hump.
2: To narrow the root of a wide nose.
3: To straighten the deviation of the outer wall of the external nose.
Also, osteotomies are classified into three techniques, depending on the resection line: external osteotomy, internal osteotomy, and hump resection. (Right)
Nasal osteotomies were originally devised as a way to close the "open roof" remaining after the removal of a hump. However, nowadays they are also performed for a wide variety of other purposes such as the ones listed below.
1: To close an "open roof" after the removal of the hump.
2: To narrow the root of a wide nose.
3: To straighten the deviation of the outer wall of the external nose.
Also, osteotomies are classified into three techniques, depending on the resection line: external osteotomy, internal osteotomy, and hump resection. (Right)

Resection lines of osteotomy of the nasal bones
Red line: external osteotomy line
Green line: internal osteotomy line

Crooked Nose Correction
This is a procedure to correct a nose which is either congenitally crooked or became crooked due to incidents such as traffic accidents or sports injuries. Except in cases where treatment by osteotomy is necessary, if the deviation is minor a more subtle change is possible by injecting filler such as hyaluronic acid. The results of filler injection have a limited duration, so we consider osteotomy to be preferable if you desire a more long-lasting result. Please tell us what you would like at your consultation session.
Duration of Surgery | ~2 hours |
Period of swelling following surgery | 1-2 weeks |
Recovery period | ~2 weeks |
Hospital visits following surgery | Re-examination 4 days, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgery |
Cost | ¥525,000 |
Crooked nose correction - Surgery details

Crooked nose correction - Case photos

Saddled Nose Correction
This procedure corrects the condition where area between the eyebrows, called the nasal root, is collapsed. Known as a saddle nose, it may be congenital or due to accident or injury. Treatment by implantation of a prosthesis or artificial bone augments the collapsed area. After thorough preoperative consultation to verify conditions, we modify the nose to create the most appropriate shape for your face.
Duration of Surgery | ~2 hours |
Period of swelling following surgery | 1-2 weeks |
Recovery period | ~2 weeks |
Hospital visits following surgery | Re-examination 4 days, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgery |
Cost | ¥525,000 |
Saddled nose - Surgery details

1: Incisions are made in the rims of the nostrils.

2: The top of the cartilage is detached from the nasal bones and a subperiosteal pocket is created in the bone.

3-A: Sculpting the implant (when using an implant alone)
From among 30 kinds of implants, we select and shape the one that best fits your choice.

X: The sculpted implant is inserted.