With the best medical treatments to our patients' individual ideals.
At our clinic, we promptly purchase regenerative treatments and combination treatments.
With the latest equipments for medical care and the best medical treatments, we want to provide high quality beautifying medical treatments that will satisfy our patients. We also provide minutely prepared treatment programs specifically made to suit our patients' individual needs.

We provide safe, reliable and high-quality beautifying medical treatment
We incorporate into our beautifying medical treatments a way of thinking which is shared with general medicine: treatments with reasons that are based on science, known as "evidence-based medicine".
We take care to provide the newest, best and least invasive treatments
We welcome our patients with a gentle space which considers their position.
We provide order-made treatments that are matched to individuals
Introducing regenerative technology into a wider field
Regenerative treatments/combination treatments which achieve a high treatment quality
Combination Treatments
Even if the beauty one aims for is the same, there isn't just one treatment method. Patients will all be individuals and have different needs.
As such, we propose combination treatments, which use several treatment methods in combination.
It becomes possible to have more natural, more economic, more effective treatments with less downtime. Combination leads to more freedom.
Regenerative Treatments
The 21st century is known as the era of regenerative medicine.
Regenerative medical treatment is a revolutionary medical treatment which uses stem cells to restore the functionality of bodies which have been damaged by various causes. It has led to amazing treatment results internationally.
At our clinic, we promptly introduce regenerative treatment technologies, based upon fundamental research such as tissue engineering and cell therapy, into our beautifying medical treatment.